Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing the current landscape of your relationships and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to their relationships. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.

  • Integrative

    Since improving relationships is more than just talking, I’ll provide you with tangible tools to use in everyday life.


Assess your current relationship dynamics, goals, and challenges.

Goal Setting

Collaborate to establish clear and achievable relationship goals, prioritized based on your needs and aspirations


Learn about healthy relationship dynamics, communication skills, and conflict resolution strategies.

Emotional Support

Provide emotional support and encouragement during challenging times and help navigate relationship stressors.


Holding accountable for implementing agreed-upon strategies and tracking progress towards goals.

Problem Solving

Identifying obstacles, finding solutions, and brainstorming creative approaches to relationship problems.

How you’ll feel

more confident and focused on the necessary steps to reach your relationship goals.


  • Learn more about what relationship coaching with Kara can do for you!

  • Get to know me more and if we will be a good fit

  • Assess your current relationship goals

  • No commitment or hard sells - ever.

1:1 Coaching

$125 for 60 minutes

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 relationship coaching is the right step for you.


What can I expect during the free consultation?

  • Answer: The free consultation is an opportunity for us to discuss your current relationship situation, your goals, and any challenges you’re facing. It’s a chance for us to determine how my coaching can best support you and to see if we’re a good fit for working together.

Who can benefit from relationship coaching?

  • Answer: Relationship coaching can benefit anyone, whether you’re single, dating, in a long-term relationship, or even married. If you’re looking to improve communication, resolve conflicts, or deepen your connection with your partner, coaching can provide valuable insights and strategies.

How is relationship coaching different from couples therapy?

  • Answer: While both coaching and therapy can help improve relationships, coaching is typically more focused on the present and future, offering actionable strategies and tools to achieve specific goals. Therapy may delve deeper into past issues and emotional healing. Coaching is solution-oriented and often more structured.

How long will it take to see results from coaching?

  • Answer: Results vary depending on your situation and the effort you put into applying the strategies we discuss. Some clients notice improvements in their relationships within a few sessions, while others may take a bit longer to see significant changes.

What if I’ve had negative experiences with dating in the past?

  • Answer: Many of my clients have faced similar challenges. In our sessions, we’ll work on healing from those past experiences, identifying patterns, and creating strategies to approach dating with a fresh perspective.

Can coaching help me with online dating?

  • Answer: Absolutely! We can work on creating a compelling dating profile, understanding how to navigate online platforms safely, and strategies for engaging with potential matches effectively.

Do you offer coaching for singles?

  • Answer: Absolutely! Coaching for singles can focus on understanding past relationship patterns, building self-confidence, and developing strategies for attracting and maintaining healthy relationships in the future.

How is transgender dating different from cisgender dating?

  • Answer: While there are many similarities, transgender dating often involves unique challenges such as navigating disclosure, dealing with societal biases, and finding partners who are genuinely accepting. My coaching addresses these specific issues to empower you in the dating world.

Is your coaching only for trans people?

  • Answer: While I specialize in coaching trans people, my services are inclusive of all individuals. If you're seeking guidance on dating, I’m here to help.

What if I’m not ready to date yet?

  • Answer: That’s perfectly okay! My coaching can also focus on building your confidence, self-love, and understanding what you want in a relationship. We can work on preparing you emotionally and mentally for when you do feel ready to date.

What areas do you focus on during coaching sessions?

  • Answer: Coaching sessions can cover a wide range of topics, including communication, conflict resolution, intimacy, trust-building, setting boundaries, and aligning values and goals. The focus will be tailored to your specific needs and relationship dynamics.

Is the coaching process confidential?

  • Answer: Yes, confidentiality is a top priority. Everything discussed during our sessions remains private, creating a safe space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and relationship challenges openly.